What is mBit,SSP,Heartmath, Pilates,Somatics, & Neurogrpahic Art anyway?

Welcome to OutRagezYou Studio, where we empower you to unlock your potential through holistic wellness practices. Our unique blend of scientifically-proven techniques, including Multiple Brain Integration Techniques (mBIT), Pilates, and Safe Sound Therapy (SSP), guides you towards holistic well-being. At our studio, we understand the importance of optimizing your entire being, from your head to your gut. Through personalized mBIT coaching, we help you harmonize your head, heart, and gut brains, enabling you to make balanced and informed choices on your wellness journey.

SSP – Safe Sound Protocol

A listening therapy to unlock your client’s ability to think, feel and connect better through nervous system regulation. Non-Invasive. Brain Body Regulation.  This modality was developed by Stephen Porgess that coined PolyVagal. Finding the safe place even during habitual triggers and panics.

The SSP isn’t just music — it’s a comprehensive approach to healing. This unique listening therapy is a journey that brings together the client, therapist and the SSP to create a safe space for brain and body integration and healing to achieve impactful, long-lasting results.SAfe 

mBIT stands for Multiple Brain Integration Techniques.  mBIT often is called mBraining.  It’s an incredibly practical and effective neuroscience practice integrates your head, heart and gut, or your multiple brains, in order to do cool stuff.  A brain technically is a neural center and the head, heart and gut are our primary neural centers.  As an mBIT coach, I will facilitate you through through the process of aligning all your brains to make better life decisions and do cool things in your life more confidently.

Did you even know you have a head, heart and gut brain?  Think about common sayings you have heard like, “My heart feels heavy”, “My gut does not feel right”, or “My head feels squeezed”.  These expressions are indications of being stuck and adeptly navigating the pathways to becoming unstuck is what an mBIT life coach, like me, does very well.

When you become aware of listening to each brain and align them you get clarity, conviction, and courage for decision-making.  That is a freeing experience!Neurographic art (all ages) combines elements of art therapy, neurobiology, and mindfulness to help unlock suppressed emotions and promote self-healing. By using simple shapes, lines, and colors, Neurographic art allows you to access the inner workings of your subconscious mind and gently release pent-up emotions and traumas.


Your gut wants “gut goodness”.  This comes from moving, being heard and nourishing it with healthy nutrients. At OutRagezYou Studio, I practice a multi-modality, integrative wellness approach to help lead you through the journey of discovering a wholly fit you.  That, my friends, leads to a joyous life!








Heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback helps you access a healthy and high-performance state called heart coherence which balances your mind and emotions. This helps prevent stress and clears your thinking for more effective choices.

Tuning into your heart’s wisdom creates a profound shift within that helps you approach situations with more emotional balance, compassion, clarity and personal confidence.

Somatic Movements: Connecting with Body Wisdom

Somatic Movements: Connecting with Body Wisdom term somatic means “of or relating to the living body,” and it’s used in medical terminology, for example, somatic cell, somatic nervous system, somatic disorder, and somatic pain.

WHAT is Somatic movement? The term somatic means “of or relating to the living body,” and it’s used in medical terminology, for example, somatic cell, somatic nervous system, somatic disorder, and somatic pain.

A somatic movement is a movement that’s practiced consciously with the intention of focusing on the underlying inner voice and to experience movement with a felt sense rather than just the external result of the movement.

Our brain wants to protect your body from pain and will keep it on high alert and say “there is pain” and yes you feel pain. Addressing what your body is trying to communicate and release with communicating to your brain as well. You can do that just by acknowledging and noticing with movement. All our body parts just want to be heard and get along as a unitBody movements (all ages) learning to release emotional tension and understand how to listen to the body. An example is stomach pain, restlessness, shoulder pain. 


Pilates: A Core Connection in Holistic Wellness Practices

 As a wellness coach certified in multiple physical modalities, I practice Pilates and I teach it because it causes good change – physical, mental/emotional, and even spiritual.  Pilates is the embodiment of incorporating the mind and body at the same time.  It is a crucial element for healing.  The primary focus is on the core, or enteric (gut) brain.  Yes, your gut is a brain because it’s a neural center!  The core or gut is the center of our body is the core.  In the Bible the core is wrapped by the “belt of truth”.  Lots to explore there.  Anyway, the core is our stability and balance and if it’s not fit then we are off kilter and vulnerable to injuries.  That feeling of being stuck is associated with our gut.  We don’t want that feeling.  Research shows being stuck is a leading contributor of inflammatory diseases for multiple reasons. Instead, we want to be ready when action requires us to take action.   Wouldn’t it be great to have a say in decreasing symptoms or even preventing such suffering?

Your gut wants “gut goodness”. 

Neurographic art

Neurographic art (all ages) combines elements of art therapy, neurobiology, and mindfulness to help unlock suppressed emotions and promote self-healing. By using simple shapes, lines, and colors, Neurographic art allows you to access the inner workings of your subconscious mind and gently release pent-up emotions and traumas.

Mindful sensory practices

Mindful sensory practices (all ages)- The ultimate way embody daily mindfulness practice is to explore what happens in you and around you. This practice grounds you to a place of stability and access to available tools. It helps you get into a coherent and grateful state of mind. A state of mind of appreciating the five senses can help you slow down and live for the moment.

Play-incorporated in children's program

Play helps children may not be able to process their own emotions or articulate problems to parents or other adults

Narrative voice Reading

Narrative voice Reading -stories with character voices explaining different voices narrative voice refers to the perspective from which a story is told.

CARE-Healthy mat-Infrared with facial mask 20minute sessions $30 per session

Unlock a more joyful, peaceful, and confident you